A silent home, a mother expecting her daughter's call, father at work, grandma happily minding her own business, one daughter happily married in Dubai, while the other at my university pursuing her UG.
A typical home in the district of palakkad. A typical family, happy and well to do. What is to life with all this happiness? At 12 in the afternoon Mr.X returns home for lunch, and finds his beloved wife in a pool of crimson, a knife sliced through her throat and the old lady, barely alive, the thin string of life holding on to her mangled body. A blow in the simple life of my dear friend. A terrible scene for one to witness. Put this scene on hold.
Decades ago India, a simple democratic nation, home to many diverse religions, was one of the safest places on earth. While women in the Saudi were well hidden beneath the purdas, Indian women were free. They held certain respect in the society. It was never dangerous for one to step out of the house, and not bolt it up from others.
friendliness and brotherhood were a trait of our nation, spare the few who stepped beyond the line of ethics, but todays scenario has made me wonder where all that safety and brotherhood has disappeared to. What has happened to our morals??
Man has become a butcher and at his cost the world a slaughter house!
To mindlessly end a life to get hold of possessions is the height of anarchy. What value has any amount of gold in comparison to a human life??While on one hand we have section of people campaigning against slaughter of animals for flesh, on the other we have these psychopaths masquerading under masks which they take off only at the time of crime, which go unnoticed with the support of the plague that has taken over our politics.
If the present scenario is to persist what shall become of this condemned race? If people choose to believe in Darwin's theory of " survival of the fittest",they might as well fight righteously for their living, but not end other lives in order to enhance their chances of survival!
While we blame the US for having a highly unstable population with soaring crime rates, we must pause and look at ourselves, our condition is but a little better, but all the same heading towards the same doom.
Nations like The US have a sidelined reputation for such crimes which can be traced back to several decades, but the blooming crime rate in a developing nation like India is likely to affect its development on the large. In fact to me it appears that we are following a reverse curve of development!
During the time of sages, when Bharatha was a place of honor and valor, scarce of todays technological advancements, but rich in knowledge, culture and human values. That was when India was a developed nation.
What if the entire world is going to pieces? A small change, a factor that would open the eyes of our country men, that would rid the world of the prevailing Evil... Make them visualize the larger picture, make them travel beyond the realms of the world, far away from greed and desire. Realize the worth of this precious life, and use it to leave a mark on the pages of history. Bring about a change that would revolutionize this anarchy dominated present and pave way to a lifestyle that contributes, but not condemns.